- Buletin Psikologi. Employs a double-blind review whereby peer reviewer and author(s) identities will be concealed from each other.
- Initial Screening. All submitted manuscripts will be screened by the Editor-in-Chief to determine whether the manuscript abides by the focus and scope of Buletin Psikologi. Manuscripts that do not meet the basic requirements will be rejected with notes outlining reasons of rejection.
- If the manuscript meets focus and scope of the journal, it is then checked for plagiarism or duplicate publication with a Similarity Check. After confirming its result, it is dispatched to two investigators in the field with relevant knowledge
- Peer-review. All manuscripts that pass the initial screening stage, will be distributed to two experts in the relevant field to undergo a double-blind peer-review.
- The reviewer allocates time to read the article numerous times. The first read serves to generate a first impression of the text. If significant problems are discovered at this stage, the reviewer may feel safe rejecting the article without further investigation. Otherwise, they will reread the document numerous times, collecting notes and creating a meticulous point-by-point review. The review is subsequently submitted to the journal, along with the reviewer's suggestion (for revising, accepting, or rejecting the manuscript).
- First Decision. A decision on a peer-reviewed manuscript will be given once both reviewers have submitted their review reports. In the event that both reviewers have differing opinions about the manuscript, the final decision will be handed over to the Editor-in-Chief. At this stage, the author(s) will receive at least one of this decision: accepted; revision required; or rejected.
- Revision Stage. Manuscripts that have been recommended for revision will be returned to the author(s). Author(s) will have up to 1 month to revise the manuscripts. The revision process will be limited to a maximum of two rounds.
- If accepted, the paper is moved to production. If the article is rejected or returned for significant or minor change, the handling editor should incorporate constructive feedback from the reviewers to help the author improve the piece. At this point, reviewers should be notified by email or letter about the conclusion of their evaluation. If the article was returned for revision, the reviewers should expect to receive a new version, unless they opted out of future participation. However, if only small modifications are requested, the handling editor may conduct the follow-up review.
- Final Decision. If the author(s) fail to meet the revision requirements after the second round, the manuscript will be rejected. All accepted manuscripts will go through the final editing and layout process.
- Typical review process takes from 3 to 6 months (average 3 months) but can be longer under special circumstances. The papers are typically published within 1 to 3 months since acceptance of the paper.

Author is not allowed to withdraw submitted manuscripts, because the withdrawal is a waste of valuable resources. Further, Editors and peer reviewers of Buletin Psikologi allocate a great deal of time and efforts processing submitted manuscript. Thus, in case of manuscript withdrawal, Buletin Psikologi applies the following rules.
- If author requests withdrawal after the manuscript is reviewed for publication, a fee of IDR 250.0000 (or USD 25) per manuscript is applied as a withdrawal penalty and if the author requests withdrawal after the manuscript is accepted for publication the author(s) also will be put on a 'black list' for 2 years.
- Withdrawal of manuscripts is only allowed after the withdrawal penalty has been fully paid to the Bulletin Psikologi. IIf the author does not comply with the regulation to pay the penalty, the author and his/her affiliation will be put on the “blacklist” for publication in the Bulletin Psikologi. Further, the author(s) previously published articles will also be taken off our online system.
- If you still wish to withdraw the manuscript, please visit the following link.
Please note that it is very unethical to withdraw a submitted manuscript from one journal if accepted by another journal. As Buletin Psikologi continuously attempts to promote scientific publishing integrity in Indonesia, we expect that author(s) with interest to Buletin Psikologi carefully consider the consequences before conducting unethical publishing practice.